Mereka yang BEST

Sunday, December 5, 2010

I always love you : Siap sudah poem tentang CINTA aku

Sedang bertungkuslumus menulis poem

Dikala malam yang sepi, aku mula terpikir apa aku nak buat malam ni..pastu dalam kapla aku asyik tingat kat dia..auwww..then tercetus la ilham nak buat poem..hohoho. Poem dah siap dah ni...jom sesama menghayati. Agak2 nak muntah baca, sila hentikan bacaan anda k...aku taknak bertanggungjawab kalau ada yang nak pitam..ahahaha...
Loving you always be the sweetest
Thing I have ever done, Cause
I love you since I met you,
Since the first time I saw you

Without you, my life will be empty
I know, I will be lost without you
My love, I always love you….

You always help me, baby
With my all my troubles
And I’d the same for you
If I said, no one care about me
You always say, you do…

I’ve fallen in love with you
And I never let you go
I love you more than anyone
I just have to let you know

My feelings for you never change
Just remember one thing
Every day passes by
I hope you won’t go
As long as I shall live
I’ll always keep you dear

Anytime you need me
I’ll be there, with open arms
To set you free, I told you so
I’ll always love you through the years

There is another secret

That is killing my heart
One that make me realize
You make me a whole
And no matter how hard I fall
Or how bad I felt on my knees
I’ll still get up to hold you
Loving you for all eternity
And smiling through all my tears
Because my heart will be empty without you
And I know, I will be lost without you
My love, I always love you!!!
By Janet Baez

sejak bila nama aku bertukar jadi Janet Baez ni..
Tetttttttt!!! aku tipu!!!
hehehe :p

Amek kat sheikh google je ni


jangan marah ar...

p/s : so meaningful poem, touching and really meant to me..even aku tatau camne nak wat poem bermakna macam ni..aku rasa poem ni ok kot aku tujukan untuk my boy....hikhikhik..
to janet baez...aku pinjam hang punya poem ni naa..agagaga..ceq tak pandai la buat macam hang punya ni..:p.


Halia Kentang @ Annpaan said...

bi hebat la..
aku xpham la. ko translte kn ckit..
eh, xjd ea g umah J??

Lily Al-Jamilullail said...

haha..cilok je ni..
xjd la...aku tkut nk ckp kat ayh aku nk pnjam kete die heheh

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